Title: Midnight Series: McKenna Chronicles #1 Author: Elizabeth Miller Release Date: March 4, 2014 Synopsis I fell willingly into his bed, stolen moments of passion so intense they blurred the lines of responsibility and reason. The passion we’ve unlocked could be the key to our salvation or the path to damnation. This is my story, my fall into love and fear that it could end in a heartbeat... One destined meeting. It alters journalist, Charlise "Charlie" Carter’s course. When asked to work on a Republican candidate's campaign, she’s unprepared for the intense reaction she has toward the young, handsome presidential hopeful, Colin McKenna. Unable to resist Charlie’s allure, McKenna succumbs to his desire and they find themselves exploring a passionate, physical relationship that is soon tested by not only their own secrets, but his political advisers. Traveling the country in pursuit of the presidential nomination, h...