Title: Interlude Series: Interlude Duet #2 Author: Auden Dar Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance Release Date: January 31, 2018 Blurb One night. That’s all J ulian Caine offered. And heartbreak is my only souvenir. The morning after the most unforgettable night of my life, I wake up minus the man and plus one note. With my head held high, I’m determined to move on without the two men who broke my heart. My former fiancĂ© who let me go easily without so much as a glance. And the staggering, gorgeous Englishman who made me scream incoherent words… All. Night. Long. When tragic circumstances bring Julian closer than ever, it comes with unyielding passion and a new proposal … but not the traditional kind, the no-strings attached kind. Tensions flare. Life-changing truths are revealed. New sexual adventures are explored. But the question remains, will we ever be more than this … than this Interlude ? I...