Title: Lies Series: Phoenix Undercover #1 Author: C.A. Harms Ge nre: Roman tic Suspen se Release Date: November 24, 2015 Blurb FBI Agent Joshua Phoenix goes undercover…Deep. Thrust into a world of drugs and criminal activity, integrating himself into the Russian Mafia turned out to be much more than Josh bargained for. It’s dark and it’s dangerous. The lives they destroy along the way will never be the same. The things he is forced to do will haunt him forever. Even more importantly, he never planned on meeting her… A chance encounter with Real Estate Agent Gabriella Shannon, has Josh questioning his ability to complete his mission. And now the dark world may consume them both. He’s in too deep. Leaving now would only risk the safety of those around him. But when his cover’s blown Josh is forced to make a decision that will reroute his futu...